Whether you are a first year student looking for accommodation in private halls or a third year student looking to share a house with your friends, you need to know the right time to look for your new home.

This differs depending on what type of student accommodation you are looking for. Here is what you need to know about looking for your next student accommodation.


Private Halls

If you are looking for accommodation in private student halls, these tend to open up for sale around October and November. Between these months, there are often plenty of deals and some low rates. 

A vast majority of the first year students spend this year in student halls. Student halls are a great opportunity to meet new people, get to know possible roommates for 2nd year and get involved in student activities. 

If you have an unconditional offer, you can use this to your advantage. You can book your student accommodation sooner than others. This will allow you to get a bigger choice of rooms and have benefits of better rates. 

If you have a conditional offer, waiting for a new place can be annoying. However, while you are waiting, you can take the opportunity to look and research into possible housing options and work out costs. Some accommodations have a “no place, no fee” policy. This allows you to put in a deposit and if you don’t receive a place, you will get your deposit back in full.


Student Housing

If you are looking into moving into your student house for your second year, a popular time to look into this in September and October. According to Metro Student Accommodations, a quarter of first-year students begin to look into their next student accommodations just a few weeks into their courses. 

If you are still deliberating on who to live with or concentrating on your uni work before looking, this doesn’t necessarily mean you will only have a few options. A lot of advisers advertise their student houses early but you’ll still find private rental in the summer.

Our 2023/2024 student accommodation is now ready to view. Whether you’re looking for a shared accommodation or looking for individual rooms in a larger house, check out our offers today!


Things To Consider

Starting The Search 

Search for student accommodation before you apply for university. This gives you an idea of where you want to live. You are able to view all the accommodation types at your chosen university at any time. You will also be able to view all information including whether it’s furnished and what bills are included. 

Choosing The Right Accommodation

It’s important to know which type of accommodation would suit you best and what will fit your budget. There are a few things to consider once you start your look:

  • Where is it and how far is it from campus? 
  • What type of accommodation is it? – student hall or flat
  • How many people does it share? 
  • How much does it cost? – rent and utilities 
  • Who manages it? – uni or private landlord
  • Do you have to share the facilities? 

Viewing A Student House

Once you have found a student house you would like to view, there are a few things to consider, including things to look for and questions to ask. Start off by finding the right landlord or letting agent. When viewing a property, make sure you find out what the deposit is, what the expenses are and look out for any damp, furnishings & electrical appliances and insulation. 

For more information about viewing a property, check out our ultimate guide to viewing a student house. 


And there you have it: when should you start looking for your student accommodation? For more information, tips and tricks, check out our blog or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.